Communion at SRVBC isn't just quarterly or monthly -- it takes place every Sunday. We always begin our Sunday services by remembering Christ's sacrifice for us.
Prayer changes everything. Join our Men's Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30PM for an intimate time of open hearts before God.
Join our dynamic Women's Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7:30PM.
Join one of our Friday night groups. From youth groups to high school, college, career and singles groups — get connected and enjoy uplifting times of fun and fellowship.





The San Ramon Valley Bible Church is an independent, non-denominational, evangelical, Bible-believing church. You are always welcome at SRVBC!

We preach the historic Christian faith as taught by Christ and the Apostles. We gather together not just as a community of faith but as a close-knit family of God. Our services are characterized by orderly informality.

Our goal is to teach every believer the Word of God that they may become spiritually mature in Christ. Our desire is that every life which passes through our doors will find the light of God's saving grace and the warmth of His endless love.



Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The Lord

Of all the nations in the history of the world, both past and present, only ancient Israel has surpassed the United States as the most blessed by the Lord. America was founded and grounded on the Word of God and faith in Jesus Christ. Because of this great foundation, America still exists and prospers to this day. Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as his inheritance.” As believers living in America we are twice blessed, as citizens of heaven and citizens of the United States of America.
