Sermon 10/29/2023
Choose Christ
Randy Akl Isaiah 31:1-9
The story of Judah going to Egypt for help against the attacking Assyrians is a story of reaching for help from sources we've long left behind, sources that only hurt us in the past.  It's a story of seeking aid from this world instead of from God.  It's a story of backsliding.  We can all find ourselves apprehensive, fearful and desperately seeking help from this world in order to survive the storms of life.  Our help, however, doesn't come from this world or its sources.  Our help only comes from the Lord.  Let us turn back to Him.  Let us choose Christ at every opportunity.  When we find ourselves backslidden, we must: Additional scripture references: Matthew 7:7-8; Psalm 121:1-2; Psalm 20:7; 2 Kings 19:35-37

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